Defining Contact Roles

Organisation Contact

An organisation contact is a user that is assigned to overview all Sites and Participants in their organsation. This may be a user who needs to review all reports and result entries, manage enrolments or maintain information for their organisation. They may be contacted if any invoices are overdue and can be nominated to receive monthly Statements of Accounts for their organisation. Contacts assigned at this level are usually Director of Pathology, Account Payable/ Finance or Quality Managers.

Site Contact

A site contact is assigned to overview all Participants under the Site. They can review all reports and result entries, manage enrolments or maintain information for their site.

Primary Participant Contact

This is the individual responsible for the participant. This can be anybody, but should be someone at the site who can receive samples, as the shipments and associated notifications will be sent to them. They can add or remove contacts on the participant they are primary for.

Participant contacts

There is no limit to the number of contacts that can be added to a participant. This means that all your staff can be added to access a participant, enabling them to review reports, result entry, certificates and even enrolment depending on their level of access.

Access types

Full Access

Full access users have access to all areas of the portal, including enrolments, certificates, invoices, reports and result entry. A primary participant contact will be assigned this level of access by default.

Limited Access

Limited Access users have access to certificates, reports and result entry. This is the default access level that is applied to new contacts unless changed to another access level.

myQAP Portal Result Entry Only

Users assigned this level of access will only be able to submit results and view certificates. They will not have access to review reports.

When a staff member leaves the organization, raise a request to notify the RCPAQAP. The user’s profile will then be de-activated ensuring they no longer have access to any items associated with your organisation.

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