Navigating the Result Entry Screen
Customer Dashboard
When you log into the myQAP portal, the dashboard is displayed, providing a snapshot of your laboratory’s performance. To view a video explainer on this functionality, click here. The dashboard allows easy identification of missed or late survey result submissions, report review statuses, and will help facilitate any required corrective action. If you oversee multiple […]
Introduction to KIMMS
An Introduction into the KIMMS program offered by RCPAQAP.
Payment Methods/Options
All invoices should be paid in Australian Dollars. On completion of enrolment via myQAP, a Tax Invoice is automatically generated and participants are then provided with several payment options. Important note: To avoid a delay in the processing of payment and to ensure the allocation of payment to the correct invoice please forward your remittance […]
Enrol using myQAP
Defining Contact Roles
Organisation Contact An organisation contact is a user assigned to overview all Sites and Participants in their organisation. This user may need to review all reports and result entries, manage enrolments or maintain information for their organisation. They may be contacted if any invoices are overdue and can be nominated to receive monthly Statements of […]
View Invoices and Use the Pay Gateway
Log into ‘myQAP’ and select the ‘Invoices’ tab. A list of invoices will be displayed, visibility of which will depend on access rights. Participants can filter invoice records to search for a specific invoice. The filter includes; Site, Discipline, Participant and Enrolment Year. Please note the Invoice Number field is a free text option. This […]
Select the ‘Certificates’ tab in the myQAP portal. A list of available certificates will be displayed on this screen. Enrolment Certificates will only be available in the ‘Certificates’ tab once the corresponding invoice is paid in full. Participants are able to refine the search by using the drop-down arrows. Certificates of Enrolment and Participation […]
myQAP Calendar
The calendar functionality allows you to subscribe to any program’s schedule, whether you are enrolled in that program or not. This includes survey dispatch, open and close dates. Go to calendar page Using either the new calendar button in the side bar or the preference settings, you will be taken to the calendar page. On […]
Optimising Sectra Images by Calibrating Your Monitor
Neither online calibration software nor the calibration tools that come with your Windows or Mac operating system will help you obtain accurate colour. These programs rely on your eye, and eyes are subjective. The RCPAQAP recommends calibrating your computer monitor to optimise the quality of the Sectra images used in our morphology surveys. A simple […]
myQAP Calendar
Subscribe to the calendar to keep on track of your QAP result entry.
Late Enrolments
Customers are able to enrol in our programs throughout the year, and this is known as a late or pro-rata enrolment. However, please note that we no longer offer pro-rata pricing for late enrolments into certain programs under Chemical Pathology, Haematology, Serology, Immunology and Molecular Infectious Diseases programs under Microbiology. This is due to the […]
Attach a file to your survey report.
Searching and Filters
Search bar You will find the search bar at the top of the reports page. Search for participants, report types, program surveys and more. Filters Any column that displays an arrow next to its header can be filtered. Enrolment year If you are looking for reports from previous years, the easiest way is to use […]
Guide to Sectra Morphology Cases
A video guide to help you navigate Sectra whilst viewing RCPAQAP morphology cases.