Data Analytics
Youden Plot
Measurand Histogram
Linear Regression
Histogram (Qualitative and Quantitative)
Data Extract
Extract survey data for further review.
Histogram (Qualitative and Quantitative)
RCPAQAP Analytics has been upgraded and the current release provides added functionalities to view and analyse qualitative measurands. After selecting the Discipline, the program, the survey year and the measurand you wish to analyse, the appropriate tabs will be displayed to view the data in different views, based on the type of measurand. By selecting […]
Linear Regression
Analytics has been added into myQAP, allowing for in-depth and real-time comparison of results. Select analytics from the side menu By default you will land on the Youden plot tab. Select the tab labelled, “Linear Regression”. Select Program, Measurand, and Participant Shown in the image below are the drop-down menus to select the program, measurand, […]
Measurand Histogram
Analytics has been added into myQAP, allowing for in-depth and real-time comparison of results. Select analytics from the side menu By default you will land on the Youden plot tab. Select the tab labelled, “Measurand Histogram”. Select Program, Measurand, and Participant Using the drop-down menus highlighted in the image below, select the program, measurand, and […]
Youden Plot
Analytics has been added into myQAP, allowing for in-depth and real-time comparison of results. Select analytics from the side menu Choose your program All programs you are enrolled in will appear in this list.* Select the measurand to analyse After this step, the Youden plot will display. No results or methods will be highlighted at […]