Getting Started
Enrol using myQAP
Logging a Request
Log a Request in ‘myQAP’ From the Home page select ‘Requests’. All existing participant contacts are encouraged to log requests via myQAP. Enquiries that are logged in this manner by the customer help ensure the correct information is captured to handle an item without our staff needing to reach out for further information. A list […]
Optimising Sectra Images by Calibrating Your Monitor
Neither online calibration software nor the calibration tools that come with your Windows or Mac operating system will help you obtain accurate colour. These programs rely on your eye, and eyes are subjective. The RCPAQAP recommends calibrating your computer monitor to optimise the quality of the Sectra images used in our morphology surveys. A simple […]
myQAP Calendar
Subscribe to the calendar to keep on track of your QAP result entry.
Late Enrolments
Customers are able to enrol in our programs throughout the year, and this is known as a late or pro-rata enrolment. However, please note that we no longer offer pro-rata pricing for late enrolments into certain programs under Chemical Pathology, Haematology, Serology, Immunology and Molecular Infectious Diseases programs under Microbiology. This is due to the […]